Friday, July 31, 2009

How Could You Not Smile

Just a picture. Wonder what is on his mind ?
Are these not just the most fabulous little feet. These feet belong to my not exactly nephew Riley James Nabours. He is just precious now... but let me let you in on a secret Precious Riley wasn't precious in the beginning. His mother Scarlet bless her poor soul. Heck what I am I talking about bless my poor soul. I am the one who drove the preggers to the hospital when this little angel decided to grace us with his angry face. More on his angry face later. So it is November 1 at oh say about I don't know 1 am and I get the call that yes indeed Scarlet's water had broke or came out or what the heck ever happens. SO because I wanted this baby to come out for so very very long. I had stupidly the night before offered to pay for her (yes her) first year of college. Mind you I knew it was "a Boy" for a very long time. I made a diaper cake for a boy and bought presents for a boy, but oh how, I long for there to be a mistake and for the boy to be a girl so badly so that I could ultimately take over and dress her up in cute stuff everyday. Don't worry obviously it turned out just as the doctor said a Boy. That I don't dress up. However this boy was angry. I believe he cried for the first 8 months of his life what wait he still cries don't ask me how old he is I can't remember. His birthday is in November you add it up. Anyways Back to the Point. Aren't these feet awesome if you look close you can see the fuzz from his most precious socks that I had just snatched off his feet in the middle of the winter but, oh well. I will write a ton about this sweet boy on this site and his crazy family, Well because they tend to always be doing something "interesting".

Getting Started

I am merely someone who enjoys taking pictures. I am learning everyday new things to help improve my knowledge of photography. I did not major in Photography in College. I majored in Geography and I currently work for a Doctor. Go figure Makes no sense to me either. Most of the pictures you will find here are of family members, friends, weddings that I have helped plan with my very good friend Ashley Brockman of An Affair To Remember Planning, and of things that interest me. If you like my work and want to me to take pictures of anything for you. You are welcome to get in touch with me. I love the artsy feel of photography and I am currently studying ways to play with lighting which is very interesting. I take every Picture and play around with them in photoshop. Nothing you find here will be outrageously original just fun. Hope You enjoy looking around. TaDah.....